Sunday 16 August 2015

Book Review: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

Hi everyone!

As you can probably tell from the title, this blog post is a Book Review on the book Attachments by Rainbow Rowell. I hope you enjoy it :). 

(Image source: Google Images)

Firstly, I’ll start with giving you a brief overview of what the book is about (I’ve tried to make this as spoiler free as possible, but I’m sorry if I’ve accidentally given away too many details for your liking!):

The story is set during 1999-2000, when the internet and emailing was relatively new to many companies in America. It is narrated by a man named Lincoln, who works nights at a Newspaper company, where his job is to monitor emails which are flagged up (for swearing, inappropriate words, or generally talking about things other than work!). The book follows Lincoln as he gets to know two girls, Beth and Jennifer, through their emails to each other, and it shows how Lincoln deals with the fact that he wants to get to know them both more, but can’t due to the fact that he would have to tell them he had been reading their private emails (as it’s technically his job!). The story also follows Lincoln in his life outside of his job too, which shows him grow and shows great character development throughout the book.

I absolutely love this book! It is not very realistic, but it is so funny and the characters are so lovable, that I just couldn’t help liking this book as much as I did. At some points in the book it literally had me laughing out loud (which became at little awkward at one point when I reading this book on a train, haha). I really enjoyed reading the book and following the story through Lincoln’s narrating and through the emails between Beth and Jennifer, I definitely feel that Rainbow Rowell integrated these two contrasting ways of story-telling brilliantly!

The only part of this book that disappointed me a bit was that the ending seemed rushed, and for some reason the ending also felt too unrealistic for me (which is strange, because as I mentioned earlier, the whole of this story is pretty unrealistic, and I’m not usually bothered about whether a book has a realistic storyline or not?!). But apart from that one point, I cannot find fault with this book at all!

If you are a lover of Contemporary books or you want to begin reading Contemporary books, then definitely read this book as it’s such a light, fun and easy read! This is the second book I have read by Rainbow Rowell, and I will definitely be reading the rest of her books.

If you have read this book then I'd love to hear your opinions by commenting on this blog post. I always find it interesting to see people's views on books, despite whether they are different or the same as mine. Also, if you read this book based on my book review, then I really hope you enjoy it!

Bye for now,


  1. Wow that's kind of a creepy idea-- someone reading through your emails! I guess it could happen... this sounds like a really interesting book! I'll have to add it to my never ending book list!

    Lovely post :)

    1. Yeah it does seem pretty creepy aha! Haha, aw brilliant, let me know what you think when you get round to reading it :). My book list is never ending too!
      Thank you & thanks for commenting too!x
