Friday 7 August 2015

August TBR

Hi everyone!

I thought I'd kick off my blog with a good ol' TBR. I know we are a week into August already, but I will give you a quick update with what I have read so far and what I plan to read in the rest of August. So, here is my August TBR:

  • Attachments by Rainbow Rowell  - I started reading Attachments on 27th July, so I'm not sure if this should be counted in my August TBR? But I finished it on 5th August, so I thought I'd pop this in here!
  • Mini Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella - I started reading this on 5th August and I'm currently about 50 pages into the book.
  • One Day by David Nicholls
I'm not a very fast reader which is why my TBR list is not very long at all. It usually takes me about a week to read one book, so I only ever read 3-4 books per month, and I read even less when I'm at university or in a reading slump! But hopefully I'll get through these books on my TBR, I'll do an update in the blog post at the end of the month to let you all know how I get on (if you're interested that is? haha!).

I'm thinking about writing a book review soon on Attachments or, a book I previously finished during July, which is The Understudy by David Nicholls. I'd love to know which book you would prefer to read a book review on as I can't decide! 

Thanks for reading, and I promise my next blog post will have more content in for you! I just thought I'd make my blog post an easy read for everyone and an easy post for me to write, just to ease myself into my blog :).

Comment down believe what is on your August TBR if you wish, as I'd love to see what you are planning to read each month!

Bye for now,


  1. Hi there! It's good to see you blogging again :) I've been wanting to read a book by Rainbow Rowell for a while now but I still haven't-- I should get on that haha. And I LOVE the shopaholic books!!! Always a good pick :)
    xx Heidi

    1. Thank you so much! I'm really determined to keep this one up, so fingers crossed! It's brilliant to see you continuing with your blog too :)
      Haha, Shopaholic books are great! :D

      Clara xx
